微笑抑郁症(Smiling depression),是一种抑郁症的亚型,指的是表面上看起来很快乐,但内心感到抑郁、孤独、焦虑、无助等负面情绪的人群。这种人往往擅长掩藏和隐藏自己的情绪,不善于表达和沟通,对于外界的负面评价也较难承受。
1. 表面上能够保持愉悦、积极的状态,但内心经常感到空虚、无助、孤独等负面情绪。
2. 对于生活中的疲惫、压力、焦虑等,常常选择自我压抑或者通过逃避方式来面对。
3. 通常很难向他人表达自己的真实感受,以免被认为是弱者或者无能。
4. 一旦遇到问题或困难,会倾向于自己解决,不轻易向他人求助。
5. 内心深处缺乏安全感和承认感,对自己和别人都持有一定的怀疑和不信任。
6. 微笑抑郁症患者往往感到孤单和疏远,缺乏紧密的人际关系和社交支持。
微笑抑郁测试(Student Version)相关的论文和文献,供您参考:
1. Hirschfeld, R. M. (1997). The Comorbidity of Major Depression and Anxiety Disorders: Recognition and Management in Primary Care. Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 3(6), 244-254.
2. Williams, J. B., & Spitzer, R. L. (1988). Toward a Clinical Global Impression for Depression and Anxiety. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 49(6), 22-25.
3. Radloff, L. S. (1977). The CES-D Scale: A Self-Report Depression Scale for Research in the General Population. Applied Psychological Measurement, 1(3), 385-401.
4. Beck, A. T., Ward, C. H., Mendelson, M., Mock, J., & Erbaugh, J. (1961). An Inventory for Measuring Depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 4(6), 561-571.
5. Zung, W. W. (1971). A Rating Instrument for Anxiety Disorders. Psychosomatics, 12(6), 371-379.
6. Goodman, S. H., & Tully, E. (2008). Depression in Women Who Are Mothers: An Integrative Model of Risk for the Development of Psychopathology in Their Sons and Daughters. Depression and Anxiety, 25(12), 1068-1080.