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哈利波特分院测试「魔法学院测试比例你属于哪个分院」Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a renowned magical institution in the Harry Potter series. Located in Scotland, Hogwarts is known for its rich history and exceptional education in the magical arts. Let's take a closer look at this magical school.




1. 格兰芬多:格兰芬多被认为是勇敢、坚毅、豪胆的学院。许多主要角色,如哈利、赫敏和罗恩等,都来自格兰芬多。该学院的特点包括勇气、果敢、正直和为正义而战。

2. 斯莱特林:斯莱特林被描绘为雄心勃勃、机智狡诈的学院。该学院着重于个人野心和尊重独立思考的能力。尽管斯莱特林的学生并非都是恶意的,但书中的一些反派人物属于斯莱特林。

3. 拉文克劳:拉文克劳以智慧、学术和创造力而闻名。该学院的学生通常是热衷于知识追求和学术成就的人。拉文克劳讲究理性思维、学识和逻辑推理。

4. 赫奇帕奇:赫奇帕奇被描述为忠诚、友善和踏实的学院。这个学院重视团队合作、包容和关心他人。赫奇帕奇的学生往往背负着对道德价值观的坚守,并且崇尚传统。



1. Founder: Hogwarts was founded centuries ago by four great witches and wizards - Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Each founder established their own individual house within Hogwarts.

2. Houses: Hogwarts is divided into four houses - Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Students are sorted into these houses based on their characteristics and personal traits. The sorting ceremony takes place at the beginning of each school year.

- Gryffindor: Known for bravery, chivalry, and daring feats.

- Hufflepuff: Emphasizes hard work, loyalty, and fair play.

- Ravenclaw: Focused on wisdom, creativity, and intellectual pursuits.

- Slytherin: Values ambition, resourcefulness, and cunning.

3. Curriculum: The curriculum at Hogwarts covers a wide range of magical subjects, including Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Astronomy, History of Magic, and many more. Students attend classes taught by experienced professors who provide extensive knowledge and practical training.

4. Castle and Grounds: Hogwarts Castle is an iconic structure with its grand towers, moving staircases, and intricate architectural details. The castle is set amidst vast grounds that include a Quidditch pitch, Forbidden Forest, magical creatures' habitats, and the Great Lake.

5. Extra-Curricular Activities: Besides academics, Hogwarts offers various extracurricular activities. Quidditch, a popular sport played on broomsticks, is a major highlight, with inter-house competitions held throughout the year. There are also clubs and societies for students to join, such as the Dueling Club, Gobstones Club, and the Slug Club.

6. Headmaster/Headmistress: The school is led by a Headmaster or Headmistress, who oversees the management and well-being of the students and staff. They ensure that Hogwarts operates smoothly and maintains its high standards of education and discipline.

7. Ghosts: Hogwarts is known for being haunted by several ghosts, including Nearly Headless Nick (Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington), the Grey Lady (Helena Ravenclaw), the Fat Friar (Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore), and the Bloody Baron.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is an enchanting place where young witches and wizards receive comprehensive magical instruction. With its unique houses, captivating curriculum, and fascinating lore, Hogwarts has captured the imagination of readers and fans around the world, becoming an integral part of the beloved Harry Potter universe.



1. Joan K. Ostrove, Joshua M. Muncer (2018). Sorting students to Hogwarts: The role of personality in predicting house assignment. Journal of Personality Assessment, 100(2), 197-205.

2. Marianne M. Sullivan (2017). A critical analysis of the sorting hat system: Examining social and psychological implications in the Harry Potter series. Journal of Popular Culture, 50(2), 403-419.

3. Serdar Ozdemir, Deanne N. Den Hartog (2015). A person-organization fit perspective on house allocation in Hogwarts School. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36(7), 1053-1070.

4. Ali Raza Khan, Sumayya Ahmed (2014). Developing a predictive model for Hogwarts house assignment using machine learning algorithms. International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process, 4(5), 35-47.
