社交焦虑量表(Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, LSAS)是一种常用的评估社交焦虑症状的测量工具。该量表由Michael R. Liebowitz于1987年开发,可以评估个体在社交场合中的焦虑程度。
LSAS包含24个描述性的情境,分为两个子尺度:社交互动(Social Interaction)和社交表现(Performance)焦虑。每个项目都要求被测者根据其在特定情境中体验的焦虑程度进行自我评估。每个项目的评分范围从0(无焦虑)到3(极度焦虑),总分范围从0到144。得分越高,表示个体在社交场合中的焦虑程度越严重。
Here are a few research papers related to the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS):
1. Liebowitz, M. R. (1987). Social phobia. Modern problems of pharmacopsychiatry, 22, 141-173.
2. Heimberg, R. G., Horner, K. J., Juster, H. R., Safren, S. A., Brown, E. J., Schneier, F. R., & Liebowitz, M. R. (1999). Psychometric properties of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale. Psychological medicine, 29(1), 199-212.
3. Leary, M. R. (1983). A brief version of the Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 9(3), 371-375.
4. Baker, S. L., Heinrichs, N., Kim, H. J., & Hofmann, S. G. (2002). The Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale as a self-report instrument: a preliminary psychometric analysis. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40(6), 701-715.
5. Rytwinski, N. K., Fresco, D. M., Heimberg, R. G., Coles, M. E., Liebowitz, M. R., Cissell, S., & Stein, M. B. (2009). Screening for social anxiety disorder with the self-report version of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale. Depression and anxiety, 26(1), 34-38.