

  1. • 30道精选问题
  2. • 深度分析
  3. • 1977人已测

BDSM字母圈属性倾向测试是探索和理解自己在BDSM(Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism)相关活动中可能的角色和倾向的心理测试。这类测试通常基于心理学理论,如大五人格理论,以及BDSM社群中的实践经验和观察。





1. "Psychological Characteristics of BDSM Practitioners" by Wismeijer, A.A.J., & van Assen, M.A.L.M. (2013). This study investigates the psychological characteristics of people who engage in BDSM, comparing them to those of people without these interests. Published in the "Journal of Sexual Medicine", it provides insights into the personality traits often seen in individuals within the BDSM community.

2. "Demographic and Psychosocial Features of Participants in Bondage and Discipline, "Sadomasochism" or Dominance and Submission (BDSM): Data from a National Survey" by Richters, J., de Visser, R.O., Rissel, C.E., Grulich, A.E., & Smith, A.M.A. (2008). Published in the "Journal of Sexual Medicine", this paper presents findings from a national survey on the demographic and psychosocial features of individuals interested in BDSM, providing a broad overview of the BDSM community.

3. "BDSM, Personality and Mental Health" by Andreas A.J. Wismeijer (2016). This chapter, found in the book "The Psychology of Sexuality and Gender", discusses the relationship between BDSM preferences, personality traits, and mental health, offering a comprehensive look at how BDSM interests correlate with psychological well-being.

4. "Practitioners of Bondage, Discipline, Sadomasochism, or Dominance and Submission (BDSM): Health Behaviors, Sexual Quality of Life, and Minority Stress" by Conley, T.D., Moors, A.C., Ziegler, A., & Karathanasis, C. (2019). This paper, published in "The Journal of Sexual Medicine", explores the health behaviors, sexual quality of life, and experiences of minority stress among BDSM practitioners, contributing to the understanding of the health implications of BDSM practices.
