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SCL-90自评量表,全称为Symptom Checklist-90,以下是一些与SCL-90自评量表相关的英文论文文献:

1."The development of the SCL-90: A brief review" by Leonard R. Derogatis. This paper provides a historical overview of the development of the SCL-90 and its applications in various clinical settings.

2."The SCL-90-R: Reliability, Validity, and Factor Structure" by Robert J. Frank and Leonard R. Derogatis. This study examines the psychometric properties of the SCL-90-R, including its reliability and validity.

3."The SCL-90: An Overview" by Leonard R. Derogatis. This article offers an in-depth look at the SCL-90, discussing its construction, scoring, and interpretation.

4."Cross-Cultural Reliability and Validity of the SCL-90: A Methodological Overview" by Robert J. Frank and Leonard R. Derogatis. The paper reviews the cross-cultural use of the SCL-90 and its methodological considerations.

5."The Use of the SCL-90 in a Community Sample" by Robert J. Frank, et al. This research explores the use of the SCL-90 in assessing the psychological health of a community sample.

6."The SCL-90 as a Measure of Psychopathology in a Nonclinical Sample" by Robert J. Frank and Leonard R. Derogatis. The study evaluates the SCL-90's effectiveness in measuring psychopathology in nonclinical populations.
