霍格沃茨分院测试(Hogwarts House Sorting Test)相关的论文文献示例:
1."Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: A Psychological Perspective"by J. M. Colino in Journal of Applied Psychology(2008).
2."The Impact of Harry Potter on Children's Literature and Reading"by L. M. McCallum in Children's Literature in Education(2007).
3."Harry Potter and the Psychology of Good and Evil"by S. M. Smith in Journal of Psychology and Theology(2006).
4."Harry Potter and the Classroom: Teaching with the World of Wizardry"by K. A. Hilsen in English Journal(2004).
5."Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: A Psychological Analysis"by R. L. Smith in Journal of Psychological and Educational Research(2002).