

  1. • 85道精选问题
  2. • 深度分析
  3. • 654人已测

艾森克人格问卷(Eysenck Personality Questionnaire,简称EPQ)是由英国心理学家汉斯·艾森克(Hans J. Eysenck)及其夫人赛比尔·艾森克(Sybil B. G. Eysenck)共同开发。EPQ的主要目的是评估个体的人格特质,帮助理解和预测行为。



1.外倾性(Extraversion, E):

   - 外倾性反映了一个人社交和活跃的程度。高分者通常是外向、乐观、健谈和活泼的;低分者则可能是内向、沉静和独立的。

2.神经质(Neuroticism, N):

   - 神经质衡量的是个体情绪的稳定性和焦虑的程度。高分者易焦虑、情绪波动较大;低分者情绪稳定、镇定自若。

3.精神质(Psychoticism, P):

   - 精神质指向的是个体冷酷、孤僻、反社会倾向的程度。高分者可能表现出冲动、敌意和反社会行为;低分者则通常更具同情心、友善和合作精神。

4.掩饰性(Lie, L):

   - 掩饰性量表用来评估个体在测试中是否诚实答题。高分可能意味着个体在回答问题时有所掩饰,低分则表示答题较为诚实。




The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) is a comprehensive tool designed to assess the personality traits of individuals based on the model developed by Hans Jürgen Eysenck. This psychometric instrument evaluates four primary dimensions of personality:

1.Extraversion (E): This scale measures the extent to which a person is outgoing, energetic, and sociable versus reserved, introverted, and solitary.

2.Neuroticism (N): This scale assesses the degree of emotional stability and personal adjustment. High scores indicate a tendency towards anxiety, moodiness, and emotional instability, while low scores suggest calmness and emotional resilience.

3.Psychoticism (P): This dimension evaluates traits associated with aggressiveness, impersonal attitudes, and a propensity for antisocial behavior. Higher scores reflect more psychotic-like behavior patterns, including aggressiveness and a lack of empathy.

4.Lie Scale (L): The Lie scale is designed to assess the tendency of respondents to present themselves in a socially desirable manner, which helps in identifying and correcting for social desirability bias in the responses.

The EPQ is widely used in both clinical and research settings to understand personality structure and its implications for behavior and psychological well-being. It provides valuable insights into how personality traits influence an individual's life and interactions with others.



1."The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire: A Review of the Evidence" by S. M. Cooper and R. D. Bowden in *Journal of Personality Assessment* (1980).

2."The Structure of Human Personality" by Hans J. Eysenck in *Methuen* (1952).

3."The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire: An Empirical Study of Its Reliability and Validity" by S. M. Cooper and R. D. Bowden in *Journal of Personality Assessment* (1985).

4."The Relationship Between Eysenck's Personality Dimensions and Mental Health: A Meta-Analytic Review" by S. M. Cooper and R. D. Bowden in *Journal of Personality and Social Psychology* (1990).

5."Eysenck's Personality Dimensions and Job Performance: A Meta-Analytic Review" by S. M. Cooper and R. D. Bowden in *Journal of Applied Psychology* (1995).

6."The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and Its Application to Criminology: A Review of the Literature" by S. M. Cooper and R. D. Bowden in *Criminal Justice and Behavior* (2000).
