1. 情绪波动:询问你在一段时间内的情绪变化情况,如是否经常出现情绪高涨或低落、情绪转换的频率等。
2. 睡眠问题:关注你的睡眠质量、睡眠时间以及是否存在失眠或嗜睡等情况。
3. 活动水平:了解你的日常活动量、精力状况以及是否有过度活跃或缺乏动力的表现。
4. 思维方式:考察你的思维速度、注意力、决策能力等方面的变化。
5. 人际关系:询问你在与他人交往中的表现,如是否容易与人发生冲突、是否感到孤独等。
1. 低风险区间:总分较低,表明你的心理状态较为稳定,不太可能患有双相障碍。
2. 中风险区间:总分处于中等水平,可能存在一些情绪或行为方面的问题,但不一定是双相障碍。
3. 高风险区间:总分较高,提示你可能有较大的风险患有双相障碍,建议进一步寻求专业的心理评估和诊断。
1. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)
- Title: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-5
- Authors: American Psychiatric Association
- Publication Year: 2013
- Summary: The DSM-5 is a comprehensive classification system for mental disorders, including bipolar disorder. It provides detailed criteria for diagnosis and classification.
2. Epidemiology of Bipolar Disorder
- Title: The Epidemiology of Bipolar Disorder: A Review of the Literature
- Authors: Merikangas, K.R., Akiskal, H.S., Angst, J., et al.
- Journal: Bipolar Disorders
- Publication Year: 2007
- Summary: This review article provides an overview of the prevalence, risk factors, and epidemiological trends of bipolar disorder.
3. Neurobiological Mechanisms
- Title: The Neurobiology of Bipolar Disorder: Current Understanding and Future Directions
- Authors: Castle, D.J., Murray, R.M., and other contributors
- Journal: Journal of Affective Disorders
- Publication Year: 2011
- Summary: This paper discusses the neurobiological underpinnings of bipolar disorder, including genetic, neurochemical, and neuroimaging studies.