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  《The Application and Significance of the Social Avoidance and Distress Scale (SAD)》

  This paper focuses on the practical application of the Social Avoidance and Distress Scale (SAD). It first introduces the basic structure and scoring methods of the SAD. The scale consists of multiple items designed to comprehensively assess an individual's tendency to avoid social situations and the degree of distress experienced in social interactions. Then, it elaborates on how the SAD is widely used in clinical psychology. For example, in diagnosing social anxiety disorders, psychologists can use the SAD scores of patients to determine the severity of their social avoidance and distress symptoms, which helps in formulating personalized treatment plans. In addition, in research on the psychological health of different groups, such as adolescents, the elderly, and those with specific occupations, the SAD can effectively measure the differences in social attitudes and emotional experiences among these groups, providing valuable data for understanding the impact of social factors on mental health.

  《Analysis of the Relationship between Social Avoidance and Distress and Personality Traits Measured by the SAD》

  The research aims to explore the relationship between social avoidance and distress as measured by the SAD and personality traits. Through a large-scale sample survey, participants completed the SAD and relevant personality questionnaires. The analysis shows that certain personality traits have a significant impact on social avoidance and distress. For instance, individuals with introverted personalities tend to have higher scores on the social avoidance dimension of the SAD, while those with low self-esteem often show more distress in social situations, as reflected by higher scores on the distress dimension. This study further deepens our understanding of the psychological mechanisms behind social avoidance and distress and provides a theoretical basis for psychological interventions targeting these aspects.
