

霍格沃茨分院帽测试中文版 霍格沃茨分院帽测试中文版
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然而,并不是每个哈利·波特迷都有机会访问霍格沃茨魔法学校亲自体验这一仪式,这就是为什么在线版本的分院测试诞生了。最知名的测试可能就是Wizarding World网站提供的官方测试(此网站原名Pottermore,是直接与J.K.罗琳合作的)。这一测试的设计模仿了书中描述的分院帽过程,让粉丝们通过回答一系列问题来确定自己在四大学院中的归属。






The Hogwarts House Sorting Test has captured the imagination of Harry Potter fans around the world, offering them the opportunity to delve into the mysteries of their inner selves within the enchanting realm of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Through the four renowned houses of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin, individuals can embody values such as courage, loyalty, wisdom, and ambition. The sorting process, traditionally carried out by the enchanted Sorting Hat during the school's welcoming ceremony, assigns each student to the house that best aligns with their distinctive characteristics.

For those unable to partake in the Hogwarts experience firsthand, the advent of online versions of the Sorting Test has brought this whimsical ritual to fans across the globe. One of the most prominent tests is offered by Wizarding World (formerly known as Pottermore), an official collaboration with J.K. Rowling. Through a series of carefully crafted questions, this test seeks to emulate the Sorting Hat ritual, determining participants' house affiliations based on their responses.

As this online test has spread, the global Harry Potter fan community has found resonance in the experience, sharing their results and engaging in discussions across various social platforms. Notably, while the test is available in both English and Chinese, Chinese fans may need to adjust the language settings on the website to access the Chinese version of the test and ensure that the entire process, including results, is conducted in Chinese.

In conclusion, whether you are a devoted Harry Potter aficionado or a newcomer to the enchanting world, the Hogwarts House Sorting Test offers a captivating means to immerse yourself deeper into this magical realm and potentially gain further insights into your own identity. So, embark on the journey to uncover your house affiliation; you may just encounter some delightful surprises along the way.
