

  1. • 8道精选问题
  2. • 深度分析
  3. • 671人已测


  阿森斯失眠量表由 8 个条目组成,主要涵盖了入睡时间、夜间苏醒情况、早醒、总睡眠时间、总睡眠质量、白天情绪、白天身体功能以及白天思睡情况等方面。通过对这些方面的自我评估,人们可以较为准确地了解自己的失眠状况。






  以下是与阿森斯失眠量表(Athens Insomnia Scale, AIS)相关论文文献示例:

  1. "Validation of the Athens Insomnia Scale in a clinical sample of primary insomnia patients"

  - Authors: Soldatos, C. R., Dikeos, D. G., & Paparrigopoulos, T. J.

  - Abstract: This study aimed to validate the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) in a sample of patients with primary insomnia. The researchers compared the AIS scores with other well - established measures of insomnia and sleep quality. They found that the AIS demonstrated good reliability and validity in assessing insomnia in this clinical sample.

  - Journal: Journal of Psychosomatic Research

  - Keywords: Athens Insomnia Scale, primary insomnia, validation, reliability, sleep quality

  2. "The Athens Insomnia Scale: A useful tool for screening insomnia in the general population"

  - Authors: Galanakis, P., Vgontzas, A. N., Pejovic, S., Basta, M., Chrousos, G. P., & Vela - Boutella, H.

  - Abstract: This paper examines the utility of the Athens Insomnia Scale as a screening tool for insomnia in the general population. The study surveyed a large sample of individuals from the general public, using the AIS to assess insomnia prevalence. Results showed that the AIS was effective in identifying individuals with insomnia symptoms and could be a valuable addition to population - based sleep research.

  - Journal: Sleep Medicine

  - Keywords: Athens Insomnia Scale, insomnia screening, general population, sleep research

  3. "Relationship between Athens Insomnia Scale scores and objective sleep parameters in patients with obstructive sleep apnea"

  - Authors: Koutsourelakis, I., Perraki, E., Tsaoussoglou, M., Zakynthinos, S., & Gourgoulianis, K.

  - Abstract: In this research, the relationship between Athens Insomnia Scale scores and objective sleep parameters (such as those measured by polysomnography) in patients with obstructive sleep apnea was explored. The study found that certain AIS components were associated with specific objective sleep measures, highlighting the potential of the AIS to provide valuable information about the subjective experience of sleep in obstructive sleep apnea patients.

  - Journal: Sleep and Breathing

  - Keywords: Athens Insomnia Scale, obstructive sleep apnea, objective sleep parameters, polysomnography
