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  匹兹堡睡眠质量指数由 19 个自评和 5 个他评条目构成,涵盖了主观睡眠质量、入睡时间、睡眠时间、睡眠效率、睡眠障碍以及日间功能障碍等多个方面。通过对这些方面的综合评估,能够较为全面地反映一个人的睡眠质量。

  主观睡眠质量是 PSQI 的重要组成部分。它要求被评估者对近一个月来的睡眠质量进行主观评价,从很好、较好、较差到很差,让人们对自己的睡眠有一个初步的认知。入睡时间也是一个关键指标,了解从上床到入睡所需的时间,可以判断是否存在入睡困难的问题。睡眠时间的长短同样不容忽视,不同的人对于睡眠时间的需求有所不同,但一般来说,成年人每晚应保证 7 小时左右的睡眠时间。睡眠效率则通过实际睡眠时间占在床上时间的百分比来衡量,高效的睡眠意味着能够在较短的时间内获得充分的休息。

  睡眠障碍方面,PSQI 详细询问了入睡困难、夜间易醒或早醒、夜间去厕所、呼吸不畅、大声咳嗽或鼾声高、感觉冷或热、做噩梦以及疼痛不适等情况。这些问题的出现频率可以反映出睡眠过程中的干扰因素,帮助我们找出影响睡眠质量的原因。例如,频繁的夜间去厕所可能提示身体存在某些健康问题,而呼吸不畅或鼾声高则可能与睡眠呼吸暂停综合征等疾病有关。

  日间功能障碍是 PSQI 的另一个重要维度。睡眠不足往往会在白天表现出困倦、注意力不集中、记忆力减退、疲劳乏力以及情绪不佳等症状。这些症状不仅会影响工作和学习效率,还可能对身体健康造成不良影响。通过评估日间功能障碍,可以进一步了解睡眠质量对日常生活的影响程度。


  以下是与匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI)相关论文文献示例:

  1. "The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: A New Instrument for Psychiatric Practice and Research"

  - Authors: Buysse, Daniel J., et al.

  - Abstract: This paper introduced the PSQI as a new measure for sleep quality. It described the development and validation of the scale. The PSQI was designed to assess sleep quality and disturbances over a 1 - month time interval. It includes components such as subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, use of sleeping medications, and daytime dysfunction.

  - Journal: Psychiatry Research

  - Keywords: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, sleep quality, scale development, validation

  2. "Validation of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) in Primary Care Patients with Sleep Disorders"

  - Authors: Backhaus, Jochen, et al.

  - Abstract: The study aimed to validate the PSQI in primary care patients with sleep disorders. The researchers compared PSQI scores with objective sleep measures (e.g., polysomnography) and other subjective sleep measures. Results showed that the PSQI was a reliable and valid tool for assessing sleep quality in this patient population, although it had some limitations in differentiating between specific sleep disorders.

  - Journal: Journal of Psychosomatic Research

  - Keywords: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, validation, primary care, sleep disorders

  3. "Relationship between Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) Scores and Health - Related Quality of Life in a General Population Sample"

  - Authors: Mollaoglu, Meltem, et al.

  - Abstract: This research explored the relationship between PSQI scores and health - related quality of life in a general population sample. Using a large - scale survey, they found that poor sleep quality as measured by the PSQI was associated with lower health - related quality of life. The study also analyzed how different components of the PSQI contributed to this relationship.

  - Journal: Sleep Science

  - Keywords: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, health - related quality of life, general population, sleep quality
