性格测试16种人格—mbtipersonality(The Free Personality Test)

性格测试16种人格—mbtipersonality(The Free Personality Test)

MBTI十六型人格测试(93题版)-16personalities MBTI十六型人格测试(93题版)-16personalities
已有18350人参与测试 93道精选问题




1. ISTJ(独立、实际、逻辑、有责任感):这些人注重细节,组织有序,并偏好实际、可靠的解决方案。

2. ISFJ(负责、安静、深思熟虑、乐于帮助):他们忠诚可靠,善于关注他人需求,并通过实际贡献来表达爱。

3. INFJ(理解、富有想象力、有远见、有责任感):这些人深思熟虑、理解别人,并致力于为社会或他人的利益而努力。

4. INTJ(独立、逻辑、理性、愿景远大):他们是冷静、理智的决策者,具有远见和战略思维。

5. ISTP(灵活、技术娴熟、理性、冷静):他们善于应对突发情况,能够快速采取行动并解决问题。

6. ISFP(自然、和善、敏感、注重和谐):他们富有创造力和理解力,注重与自然和谐相处。

7. INFP(理想主义、向内、敏感、有爱心):这些人理解深刻、有同情心,并希望用自己的方式改善世界。

8. INTP(思考者、概念化、批判性、好奇):他们喜欢分析、独立思考,并追求深入了解事物的本质。

9. ESTP(自信、灵活度高、务实、积极):这些人富有活力和机智,喜欢尝试新事物并寻求刺激。

10. ESFP(外向、友善、乐天、注重享受):他们热情好客、注重当下,并享受与他人的互动。

11. ENFP(充满想象力、热情、表达能力强、富有同情心):这些人充满激情、富于创造力,并善于鼓舞他人。

12. ENTP(聪明、善辩、适应能力强、好奇):他们是追求知识和挑战的变革者,善于发现新的可能性。

13. ESTJ(务实、组织力强、决断力强、有责任感):他们注重组织和效率,喜欢面对任务和责任。

14. ESFJ(热心、合作、有责任感、关注他人):这些人忠诚、善于合作,并通过关怀他人来表达关爱。

15. ENFJ(热情、外向、关怀他人、有影响力):他们富有同情心、寻求和谐,并愿意帮助他人实现潜力。

16. ENTJ(果断、坚定、领导力强、具有远见):他们是坚定果断的领导者,擅长制定目标和推动他人。






There are several free online resources where you can take a personality test to explore different aspects of your personality. Here are a few popular options:

1. 16Personalities: This is a well-known personality test based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It categorizes individuals into one of 16 personality types based on four dichotomies: Introversion vs. Extroversion, Intuition vs. Sensing, Thinking vs. Feeling, and Judging vs. Perceiving. You can take the test for free on the 16Personalities website.

2. Big Five Personality Test: The Big Five personality traits are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. This test assesses these traits to provide insight into your personality across these dimensions. There are various free versions of the Big Five personality test available online.

3. Personality Perfect: This website offers a free personality test that provides insight into your personality type based on the Jungian cognitive functions. It categorizes individuals into different personality types and provides detailed descriptions of each type.

4. Truity: Truity offers a variety of free personality tests, including the TypeFinder for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Enneagram test, and the Holland Code career test. These tests can help you better understand your personality traits, preferences, and strengths.

5. Psychology Today: Psychology Today's website also provides free personality tests that cover a range of aspects, such as emotional intelligence, the Dark Triad personality traits, and more. These tests can offer insights into different facets of your personality.

It's important to note that while these personality tests can be insightful and fun to take, they are not definitive assessments of your personality. They provide a general overview and may help you reflect on your characteristics and behaviors. Enjoy taking the test and exploring more about yourself!
