

mbti职业性格16种人格对应职业测试 mbti职业性格16种人格对应职业测试
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MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)-MBTI16 personality test - (professional reference table) personality test the official version for free【MBTI16型人格测试-(职业参照表)性格测试官方免费版】



1. The ISTJ (introversive, feeling, thinking, judgment) : this type of people pay attention to detail, like in accordance with the rules and plan, pragmatic and organized.

2. The ISFJ (introversive, feelings, emotions, judgment) : this type of people pay attention to the needs of others, likes to help others, there is sense of responsibility and patience.

3. The INFJ (introversive, intuition, emotion, judgment) : this type of people rich imagination, pay attention to the feelings of others, like deep thinking, and the pursuit of inner meaning.

4. The INTJ (introversive, intuition, thinking and judgment) : this type of person is good at analysis and solve problems, pay attention to logic and strategy, vision and determination.

5. ISTP (introversive, feeling, thinking, perception) : this type of people like to work on practical problem solving, the flexibility to adapt to the environment, like independence and freedom.


6. ISFP (introversive, feelings, emotion and consciousness) : this type of people pay attention to personal values and harmonious, like the freedom express emotion, has artistic talent and sensitivity.

7. INFP (introversive, intuition, emotion and consciousness) : this type of idealism, emphasis on personal values and inner harmony, like to create and to help others.

8. INTP (introversive, intuition, thinking, perception) : this type of people like thinking and exploring theory, analytical problem, creative thinking and curiosity.

9. ESTP (extraversion, feeling, thinking, perception) : this type of people like adventure and challenge, practical action and results, good adaptation and emergency handling.

10. ESFP (extraversion, feelings, emotion and consciousness) : this type of people lively open and bright, likes to interact with others, pay attention to enjoy the present and to help others.

11. ENFP (extraversion, intuition, emotion and consciousness) : this type of person full of passion and creativity, like to work with others, has the ability to inspire others.

12. ENTP (extraversion, intuition, thinking, perception) : this type of people who like to challenge and explore new ideas, good at debate and innovation, and have leadership.

13. ESTJ (extraversion, feeling, thinking, judgment) : this type of people pay attention to organization and efficiency, and likes to act according to rules and traditions, have leadership ability.

14. ESFJ (extraversion, feelings, emotions, judgment) : this type of people pay attention to the needs of others, likes to help others, there is sense of responsibility and the spirit of cooperation.

15. ENFJ (extraversion, intuition, emotion, judgment) : this type of people are good at understanding others, pay attention to others' feelings and needs, has the ability to lead and influence others.

16. ENTJ (extraversion, intuition, thinking and judgment) : this type of people like organization and planning, pay attention to goals and efficiency, leadership and decision making ability.



1. ISTJ:会计师、项目经理、法官、行政人员、军官、系统分析师、工程师。

2. ISFJ:护士、教师、图书管理员、社会工作者、秘书、会计、医生助理。

3. INFJ:心理学家、作家、艺术家、社会工作者、咨询师、宗教领袖、图书馆员。

4. INTJ:科学家、工程师、律师、企业家、金融分析师、系统分析师、大学教授。

5. ISTP:机械工程师、飞行员、警察、消防员、技术支持工程师、运动员、木匠。

6. ISFP:艺术家、设计师、插画家、摄影师、护理师、按摩师、园艺师。

7. INFP:作家、心理咨询师、社会工作者、图书馆员、插画家、教师、翻译。

8. INTP:科学家、计算机程序员、研究员、数学家、物理学家、系统分析师、哲学家。

9. ESTP:销售员、运动员、警察、消防员、军人、企业家、飞行员。

10. ESFP:演员、销售员、娱乐活动策划师、旅游导游、美容师、餐饮服务员、体育教练。

11. ENFP:公关专员、市场营销人员、演员、作家、教师、咨询师、活动策划师。

12. ENTP:律师、企业家、市场营销人员、广告策划师、管理顾问、政治家、记者。

13. ESTJ:经理、律师、会计师、行政主管、警察、军官、销售经理。

14. ESFJ:教师、医生、护士、社区服务工作者、咨询师、行政助理、销售代表。

15. ENFJ:教师、咨询师、社会工作者、人力资源经理、公关专员、销售经理、宗教领袖。

16. ENTJ:企业家、律师、经理、政治家、金融分析师、市场营销经理、工程师。



MBTI16 personality test - personality test of official documents (professional reference table)

MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)16人格测试相关的经典文献:

1. Briggs-Myers, I. (1962). Introduction to Type: A Description of the Theory and Applications of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Consulting Psychologists Press.

2. Myers, I. B., & Myers, P. B. (1980). Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type. Consulting Psychologists Press.

3. Myers, I. B., & McCaulley, M. H. (1985). Manual: A Guide to the Development and Use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Consulting Psychologists Press.

4. Pittenger, D. J. (1993). Measuring the MBTI. Relations with Jungian Concepts, Cognitive Abilities and Big Five Traits. Journal of Personality Assessment, 61(4), 395-412.

5. Furnham, A. (1996). The Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator: A Critical Review and Practical Guide. Wiley.

6. McCrae, R. R., & Costa, P. T. (1989). Reinterpreting the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator from the Perspective of the Five-Factor Model of Personality. Journal of Personality, 57(1), 17-40.

这些文献涵盖了MBTI 16人格测试的理论和应用,介绍了MBTI的发展、解释和相关研究。
